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Needs Generate synergy through global IT governance

We offer standardized, secure systems that can flexibly respond to market changes

As the economy becomes ever more globalized, companies need to build out IT infrastructure and install software at all of their locations worldwide, which makes it harder to share information swiftly and securely.
Global IT governance at your company headquarters will enable you to build effective IT systems that can generate synergy.

Aiming for an overall optimized system with the headquarters at the center

The business landscape changes daily, and it is vital to adjust worldwide initiatives flexibly and speedily to adapt to these changes. To this end, it is crucial for the headquarters and global locations to be connected via secure IT infrastructure and to share information closely. Companies must achieve global IT governance and aim for overall optimization with their headquarters at the center, as opposed to partial optimization at each location.

Have your global locations turned into silos?

In the past, many companies built IT infrastructure separately and installed different software at each worldwide location. This leads to detrimental effects, such as difficulties in sharing information smoothly; more time needed to build environments when establishing, merging, or reorganizing locations; and increased investment costs. It is also harder to implement security policies, thereby preventing the headquarters from correctly managing all activities. Strengthening governance is essential for both offensive and defensive IT strategies.

産業・生産用システムの セキュリティ対策はできていますか?

4 issues that occur due to insufficient IT governance

Issue 1

Significant time needed to build infrastructure for international locations

Issue 2

Difficulties in smoothly linking information across different tools

Issue 3

Poor investment efficiency because each location manages IT investments

Issue 4

Unreliable security because IT representatives are not stationed at worldwide locations

Issue 1

Significant time needed to build infrastructure for international locations

  • Each location has a uniquely built infrastructure platform, meaning that it takes time to build the environment when establishing a new location, or when merging or reorganizing existing locations. This leads to delays in starting up businesses.

Issue 2

Difficulties in smoothly linking information across different tools

  • Basic applications for email, scheduling, online meetings, file servers, and other services are different at each location, preventing smooth linkage of information and communication.

For example:
A corporation may acquire a local company and merge systems with it to achieve synergy, but end up spending a lot of time in this process, causing delays in launching the business. Alternately, the location may have communication tools that differ from those used at the headquarters, making it hard to collaborate and causing disappointment regarding the effectiveness of the acquisition.

Our recommended solutions

A virtual wide area network (SD-WAN) enables you to deploy and manage rules uniformly across all locations, and it flexibly adapts to changes in the network following merges or business reorganizations. Implementing the same cloud services for all locations makes it easy to share data and documents, enables information to be shared swiftly, and maximizes synergy at a global scale.



Virtualized wide area networks enable centralized management of all communication routes at all locations. This realizes flexible management and helps to build infrastructure swiftly.

Communications from different locations and from devices used outside the company can all be controlled via software, which allows for load distribution along suitable paths and aids in achieving security management.


Cloud services

Migrating to applications that can be used via the Internet makes it easy to rapidly share information worldwide.

People can access tools for email, schedule management, chat, and online meetings as well as software for creating spreadsheets and documents wherever they are, so long as they have an Internet connection.

Recommended products and services from KDDI

KDDI SD-Network Platform
We can create corporate networks of withstanding a variety of changes such as increased cloud service usage, greater numbers of connection points, and expansion of business overseas.

Issue 3

Poor investment efficiency because each location manages IT investments

  • Significant costs are incurred when each worldwide location independently invests in system resources, leading to redundant investments and losses owing to fragmentation. In such a case, worldwide locations are also saddled with the burden of operational management.

For example:
A company may allow local personnel to implement a low-cost system without considering ways to link with other locations, which ultimately results in redundant costs due to installing a new solution.

Our recommended solutions

Rather than leaving the system building work up to local personnel, it is advisable to reduce needless investment by understanding each office's circumstances and investing in or expanding infrastructure by the necessary degree when needed.
You can reduce overall costs by implementing infrastructure services that can be centrally managed at the headquarters.


Cloud services

Implement infrastructure services for email, file sharing, and other functions in a way that enables you to scale up or down to match the number of personnel.

Build an integrated environment on the Internet that features software for email, schedule management, spreadsheet and document creation, and more. You can also organize online meetings.

Recommended products and services from KDDI

Microsoft 365
Office 365 provides a convenient and secure way for you to share your emails, schedules, and files with your colleagues.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace is Google's productivity-increasing cloud office suite that integrates large-capacity Gmail and storage as well as tools necessary for video meetings, document creation, and spreadsheets in a single package.

Issue 4

Unreliable security because IT representatives are not stationed at worldwide locations

  • IT representatives are not stationed at worldwide locations, leading to uncertainty about security measures and other areas of IT management. If the headquarters' security policy cannot be implemented, this leads to concerns about which actions to take following an incident, or how to respond to cyber attacks.

For example:
Staff members may use their own PCs for work, which might become infected with a virus by viewing a website outside of working hours. This could lead to local news reports about secret information leakage, thereby damaging the corporate brand.

Our recommended solutions

Inadequate IT security management and operations can result in heavy losses due to information leakage and other issues at worldwide locations.

To prevent incidents like these, it is of the utmost importance to employ a unified policy for IT management at worldwide locations, and to ensure that the headquarters manage activities in a centralized manner. By building a system that can be operated and managed remotely without the need for local representatives, it is possible to minimize the security risks posed by such incidents.


Asset management

This also enables centralized management of PCs, smartphones, and other devices used by staff members for work as well as centralized actions to address viruses.

Manage PCs, smartphones, and other work devices all from one place via software. Rest assured with functionality for applying security patches and for locking misplaced devices.


Cloud security

Avoid using networks that present the risk of interception or virus infection, and establish a path for connecting securely.

Deploy to the cloud, where all aspects of applications can be managed, thereby realizing secure connections for users no matter what device, location, or network they use.

Recommended products and services from KDDI

KDDI Cloud Inventory
A unified cloud management service for device security
Cato Cloud
A network security service for applying a global zero-trust policy
FireEye with KDDI
The highly advanced solution against cyber attacks

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What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.